I'm so sorry for not updating in a while. School work got in the way big time and I had to focus on that especially with midterms and exams popping up like crazy. So allow me to fill you in on what's been going on since I last posted 18 days ago...
As you know from my last post I tried to invade Shellie's personal space by trying to get a glimpse of her project she'd almost worked herself to hospitalization over; which didn't go over well as she caught me and threw me out of her room. The stubborn-headed child then proceeded to not speak to me, or Claire for that matter even though she didn't do a thing, for like a week! Talk about overacting, but then I guess if it were me I wouldn't want the invasion of privacy either...
When she finally let me speak to her again I swallowed my pride and apologized to her (even if it was for her own well being) and she, Claire and I went and had dinner. It had been a while since any of us had done that together, so it was a nice change of pace to finally be with the girls again after so long.
Even after that though, Shellie was still a bit guarded at the beginning of last week but she's starting to come around since then. I'm glad for that at least. She's also gotten over her cold too. Still a bit of a cough though but I blame that on the weather starting to change. Nothing much you can do about that. She's on the mend and that's all that I care about, so for the time being I'll give her some space. Claire made a point to me the other day that Shellie would likely share her secret project with us when she felt the time was right so I'm willing to go on a little faith here and wait for that time.
Until then though, I'm going to go get some well deserved rest. Studying takes a lot more out of a person than you'd think.
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