So upon inspection of her room, I found a very ill Shellie Wattercutter still in her pajamas. She seems to have caught a nasty cold complete with nasty cough. I told her to take it easy but the dodo just couldn't lay down her work load and rest. Now she's paying for it, pretty severly I must say. Even now she still doesn't want to stop working on her project. I think this calls for some drastic measures. Claire and I have enough spare time I think the two of us could check up on her-royal-stubborness and make sure she's actually getting rest to get herself better.
I know it seems nosy but I've known Shellie for years and she's done this sort of thing before with fiction writing. Without some sort of buffer to get her to break every so often she'll wear herself thin. She can protest all she wants, but it's for her own good.
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