Sunday, January 1, 2012

A New Year's Resolution

Hey everyone, hope you all had a good New Year's Eve last night, mine was rather uneventful but I suppose some times that happens. Anyway, that's not why I'm here today, I'm here to present my research findings to everyone.

So upon further searching in google of the words 'Tall Man' I was rewarded mostly with normal men who were just really tall. Not to be deterred, I scrolled down until I came across this picture someone had posted on Deviant Art by El Gostro:

This looked more promising and I decided to do some research on this character and see what I could find. Using what had been provided in the artwork's description, I typed into Google: 'Tall Man X Days' instead to see what I got.

One of the first things to show up caught my eye, and the title didn't even sound like it was related to the previous picture I had found. It said: "The Tall Gentleman-The Slender Man Wiki" That article was apparently recent and also lacked much information. It also mentioned twice that this creature was different from one known as Slender Man, the name on the Wiki. So I clicked that link and decided this would be a better route to read up on as his article was a lot more information heavy.

He was a pretty interesting read for sure and he seems to have been floating around the internet for a good year or two now that I can guess and while his fans have come up with all sorts of theories and stories about this creature, he still has an air of mystery surrounding him. I did watch some of the vlogs that had popped up dealing with him, mostly TribeTwelve and Marble Hornets, and those were probably some of the best sleepless night's I've had in a while. That Slender Man can be down right terrifying if portrayed right.

My unofficial conclusion on the matter is I think Shellie is likely using Slender Man in her project or something pretty close to him and the constant blood sweat and tears she's been putting into it are because she wants to portray an accurate vision of this creature. I know that's not a very strong theory, but I'll be back to school in a week or so and I'll be able to ask Shellie up front then about it.

Now then, for the resolution part of this tangent, I'm really, really, going to do my damnedest to update more frequently this year and get you guys up more snippets from my story collection to read. I mean, that's kind of the whole reason I started this blog in the first place. So expect a snippet hopefully sometime next week if not then at least this month, alright? Alright. Now get over those New Year's Eve hangovers, fasten your seat belts and lets all get ready for 2012.
